Poster Presentations

Each Poster session will be opened by the moderator of the corresponding Thematic Session who, after a brief introduction, will coordinate the session. Poster presentations can last up to 5 minutes, followed by a 10-minute discussion per session.
The official languages of the XVIII International Seminars on the Overarching Issues of the European Area are Portuguese and English. The template available on the conference website must be used for all posters.

The deadline for submitting Posters is 19th May 2024.

If you have any difficulties submitting your poster, please contact the Secretariat at the following email address:


1. How to prepare your poster?You can use PowerPoint (template provided), however, the poster will have to be converted into a PDF file before submitting it.
2. Size: Regardless of the programme, use the following measurements: 420x594mm (A2).

Download Poster template

3. Mandatory vertical orientation: Once you have selected the size (A2), you must organise the elements of your Poster, using text boxes, inserting images and selecting fonts and colours.
4. Font:When choosing fonts for your Poster, make sure they are easy to read. Do not mix them and avoid fonts that are difficult to read. Suggested size: Arial 24, with the option of using italics and bold.
5. Images: When selecting the images for your Poster, make sure they have a good resolution (ideally 300 dpi), as well as paying attention to the relationship between their size and the desired poster size.
6. Graphics: Check the font used for the graphic captions, as they should be easy to read.
7. How do I submit my E-Poster?To submit your poster, please click on the button below.
8. Before submitting your poster, please note the following instructions:
8.1. Each Poster must be a single presentation slide. Posters with more than one slide or with overlapping images will not be accepted;
8.2. The file name must indicate the poster number (assigned to the previously approved abstract) and the name of the 1st author (Example: 29_JoãoSilva);
8.3. Only the final version of the poster should be submitted. If, for any justifiable reason, changes need to be made, they must be carried out within the submission deadline;
8.4. Once your poster has been submitted, you will receive an automatic confirmation by e-mail. You will be contacted if any irregularities are detected.

The deadline for submitting the Poster will be May 19th and should be sent to

