Michael Woods
Aberystwyth University, United Kingdom
Michael Woods is Professor of Human Geography and Co-director of the Centre for Welsh Politics and Society at Aberystwyth University and Co-Director of the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD). His research interests include: (1) globalisation and rural change in the 'global countryside', the focus of his ERC GLOBAL-RURAL project (2014-19); (2) civil society and polarisation, as Co-Director and Theme Leader for the ESRC WISERD/Civil Society Research Centre (2014-19); and (3) spatial justice, investigated in the Horizon 2020 IMAJINE project (2017-22). These interests come together in his new ERC/UKRI project 'Rural Spatial Justice' on rural support for disruptive political movements in the UK, USA and Europe. Michael Woods is a former editor of the Journal of Rural Studies and the author of several books, including Rural (Routledge, 2011) and An Introduction to Political Geography (Routledge, 2015).