Porto Workshop, March '08

The TECT Networking workshop was held at University of Porto (26-29 March 2008) on the subject “Trust, Reputation, Defectors, and Sustaining Social Norms: Studying spatially complex cooperative relationships in ways that connect TECT projects".


Madrid Workshop, September '08

TECT Strategic Workshop held in Madrid, Spain (25-26 September 2008) on the subject "Visualisation and Space-Time Representation of Dynamic, Non-linear, Spatial Data in DynCoopNet and Other TECT Projects"


I Seminario de Historia y SIG, Madrid, July  '09

1st Seminar in History and GIS, held in Madrid (3rd July 2009), on the subject of "Modelling a system: dynamic networks of cooperation in the Atlantic, 16th-18th centuries"

Seminar Website